Howard League and the Prisoners’ Advice Service Crowdfunding Appeal




Next January the Howard League and the Prisoners’ Advice Service are challenging the legality of the cuts to legal aid for prisoners in the Court of Appeal.

To ensure the case does not impact on our front-line services, we need to raise £25,000. So we are crowdfunding for the case and we need help from friends and colleagues.

We would therefore be grateful if you could ask members and friends to:


As you know, since the cuts to legal aid came into force, levels of violence and self-injury in prison have risen to record levels. More than 270 people in prison have taken their own lives.

Equal access to justice is the hallmark of a civilised society, and it’s this belief which is driving us forward with this case.  

Thanks so much for your support.

Best wishes

Dr. Laura Janes – Legal Director, Solicitor. Howard League for Penal Reform 1 Ardleigh Rd London N1 4HS DX 46801 DALSTON